Living with psoriasis
Psoriasis - lifelong misery?
Living with psoriasis is not easy. The chronic skin condition affects the day-to-day lives of sufferers in numerous ways.
Although there is currently no possibility of a total cure, therapies are available that can improve the clinical picture and quality of life of people with psoriasis.
About psoriasis (and alnovat)
Psoriasis vulgaris is a common and almost always chronic dermatological condition.
The typical psoriasis patient suffers from cracked skin accompanied by inflammation and redness, and often open wounds. The severe itching that often occurs is particularly debilitating. Psoriasis is difficult to treat because a genetic defect triggers the condition.
Various therapies and remedies are used to alleviate psoriasis. The most common therapies are drugs that act on the immune system (biologics), and externally applied ointments and creams containing pharmaceutical active ingredients.
Biologics affect pathogenic messenger substances and/or defense cells, or completely deactivate them. Thus they act on those parts of the immune system where inflammatory processes take place in the body.
The therapy constitutes a high level of interference in the natural defense system. The immune system is impaired to such an extent that common side effects include infectious diseases. The approval for one product, Raptiva, had to be withdrawn by the regulatory authorities due to reported deaths.
In over 70 percent of cases, external treatment of the affected skin is carried out using topical and systemic preparations.
Systemic preparations can only be used as instructed by a doctor/with a prescription and for a specific length of time because if they are used for too long, severe side effects occur that are not medically justifiable.
These primarily include the cortisone preparations often prescribed by doctors, which can lead to skin thinning and irreversible damage. After stopping the cream/ointment, the symptoms come back after a delay and another course of treatment has to be prescribed by the doctor again. Therefore, treatment with cortisone products is not suitable for long-term therapy.
The other pharmacological active ingredients used to treat psoriasis have similar side effects that make long-term therapy difficult.
In addition to the therapy itself, patients use individual skin care products to care for their skin and keep it supple. The additional cost of individual skin care products varies greatly and represents a considerable financial burden.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.