Arm psoriasis - alnovat helps.
Arm psoriasis - alnovat helps.
Arm psoriasis is a major burden. It is clearly visible, itchy, and exposed to multiple stresses due to everyday life and work activities. Restrictions caused by psoriasis are evident every single day.
With the right treatment and a positive approach to your psoriasis, the symptoms can be alleviated.
After only four weeks, 75% of the participants stated that their ITCHING HAD REDUCED.
With our Alnovat psoriasis cream and information, we aim to help you look forward to a POSITIVE FUTURE.

Liane L. 8/2021, Review after the three-month Farbenhauttest
How is arm psoriasis diagnosed?
Psoriasis primarily manifests as red, scaly skin changes that can be itchy. The chronic condition occurs in episodes or flare-ups. Sometimes more severe, sometimes milder, and sometimes hardly any skin problems at all. Particularly during the cold months, wearing long sleeves can make arm psoriasis worse. With our Alnovat skin cream and the right clothing, psoriasis can be treated effectively.

What causes arm psoriasis?
There are different triggers of psoriasis and/or individual flare-ups.
Hormonal changes, such as during puberty or pregnancy, can be a trigger, as can stress due to psychological pressures. Injuries to the skin, mechanical irritation in everyday life, and medication side effects are also often cited as causes.
Studies show that a family history of psoriasis increases the risk of developing the condition, and this is also taken into consideration by doctors.
ONE THING IS FOR SURE - Regardless of how your psoriasis is triggered, it should be treated. Our cream can be one building block in a successful and holistic treatment.
Restrictions in working life
“Can I train as a hotel manager with my psoriasis?”
“My psoriasis is not compatible with disinfectants.”
“I work from home and working at my computer has made the psoriasis on my arms worse.”
Restrictions in working life due psoriasis might look something like this. THE GOOD NEWS - With the right treatment, most careers can be pursued.
Psoriasis forums give you the opportunity to interact and swap stories with other psoriasis sufferers on the topic of work and psoriasis. You may even find NEW PROSPECTS through your psoriasis and interacting with other psoriasis sufferers.

Restrictions in everyday life
“Going to the open air swimming pool is torment for me”
“Unfortunately sport is no longer possible with my psoriasis”
“My psoriasis has got worse due to carrying my toddler.”
Living with psoriasis is not always easy. However, there are various ways to tackle everyday challenges and psychological pressures. It is important to stay positive and not let your wellbeing be determined solely by the appearance of your skin.
In our blog posts Sun, sand, and psoriasis, Psoriasis and sport, or Dating with psoriasis, you will find helpful tips about handling your psoriasis and the right treatment to help keep your skin healthy.
Treatment success with our Alnovat psoriasis cream. In our THREE-MONTH, LONG-TERM TEST, the test participants applied a thin layer of Alnovat to their affected skin twice a day.
The pictures speak for themselves. ALNOVAT IS A POWERFUL PSORIASIS TREATMENT.

Psoriasis - diagnosis and treatment
A diagnosis is usually made following a detailed examination of the affected skin. A skin sample (biopsy) is only required in exceptional cases. A biopsy means removing a small piece of skin and examining under a microscope. The doctor assesses the severity of the condition and creates a treatment plan with the patient.
Psoriasis treatment with our Alnovat cream is recommended for mild to moderate psoriasis. A thin layer of cream is applied twice a day to skin affected by psoriasis.
Its GOOD TOLERABILITY makes long-term use a possibility. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used on the treated areas.
“with our unique active complex based on natural ingredients we have combined age-old treatments and modern pharmacy. All in a cream, to give psoriasis sufferers a better life.”
Alnapharm Management

Treatment with alnovat cream
Alnovat cream is applied twice a day to the affected skin. As it DOES NOT CONTAIN CORTISONE OR ANTIBIOTICS, it can take days or weeks to take effect. It’s worth the wait. Once the skin has become used to the healing effect, the majority of users notice an improvement in their psoriasis. In a 90-DAY, LONG-TERM TEST, 85% OF THE PARTICIPANTS STATED THAT THEY WOULD CONTINUE TO USE ALNOVAT CREAM.

Tips for the right clothing for arm psoriasis
Loose clothing made from natural fibers is recommended for psoriasis sufferers.
Cotton is breathable and absorbs lots of moisture without feeling wet against the skin. Cotton is also a material that is kind to the skin because it isn’t scratchy and the risk of mechanical irritation is low.
Clothes made from other finely woven natural fibers are also a good choice for psoriasis sufferers. Linen and silk have similar characteristics to cotton.
However, most people with psoriasis do not tolerate wool clothing very well: Wool scratches the skin and is less breathable - both of which can provoke psoriasis symptoms.
Arm psoriasis in brief.
The arms are permanently exposed to stresses in everyday life, whether at work or at home. With the right treatment and appropriate clothing, your psoriasis can be treated effectively: Loose clothing and Alnovat cream will guide you to a bright future.
In our blog you can find more useful tips and information on psoriasis.
Click here for the blog.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.