Skin care for psoriasis
Psoriasis - how to care for your skin.
Skin care is particularly important for people with psoriasis. You can alleviate your psoriasis symptoms by using care products and implementing care tips. These therapy-supporting measures play an important role in treating psoriasis.
Here we will give you an overview of how you can care for your skin to support the treatment success of our Alnovat psoriasis cream.

Ellen B. 8/2021, Review after the three-month Farbenhaut test
What is psoriasis and how is it diagnosed?
Psoriasis manifests as red, scaly skin changes that can be itchy. The chronic condition occurs in episodes or flare-ups. Sometimes more severe, sometimes milder, and sometimes hardly any skin problems at all.
Psoriasis can worsen during the colder months in particular. Mechanical irritation due long sleeves and trousers, and the lack of sunlight can exacerbate psoriasis. A doctor can diagnose psoriasis by assessing the skin. In rare cases, a biopsy (taking a skin sample) is necessary.

Different types of psoriasis
Psoriasis is the general name for different forms of the condition. The most widespread form is psoriasis vulgaris, which is also called plaque psoriasis. It often occurs on body parts subject to a lot of stress. Psoriasis on the hands, feet, elbows, or face are not uncommon in cases of plaque psoriasis.
In addition to psoriasis vulgaris, around one third of patients also have another form of the condition - psoriatic arthritis. This is a chronic inflammatory condition.
This arthritis affects the musculoskeletal system and can cause permanent damage to the joints. In this case, it is helpful and advisable to get an accurate diagnosis using a questionnaire or directly from the dermatologist because the physical changes usually only occur as the condition progresses and could be confused with rheumatic diseases.
In addition, there is:
GUTTATE PSORIASIS that causes small, red droplet-shaped patches to appear on the skin. This rare condition is usually triggered by an infection.
INVERSE PSORIASIS in which the psoriatic skin changes only occur in skin folds (e.g. inside the elbow or the back of the knee).
PUSTULAR PSORIASIS in which small blisters (pustules) form on the inflamed skin. This type of psoriasis can often be found on the hands and feet.
Treatment success with our Alnovat psoriasis cream. In our Three-month, long-term test, the test participants applied a thin layer of Alnovat to their affected skin twice a day.
The pictures speak for themselves. Alnovat is a powerful psoriasis treatment.

Where on the body does psoriasis occur?
As already described, psoriasis can occur on body parts under a lot of stress. Less commonly affected, but still problematic body parts are the hairline, temples, and ear area. Generally speaking, it is more difficult to treat psoriasis on the scalp, but our buyers have reported great results using Alnovat.
When applied in the evening, it sometimes doesn’t even need to be washed out of your hair the next morning. People with psoriasis on their arms suffer during the cold months in particular due to wearing long sleeves and trousers.
This clothing can cause mechanical irritation. Psoriasis can also affect the nails. Nail psoriasis is sometimes confused with a fungal nail infection, but it can be treated more effectively than fungal infections.
Last but not least, a very intimate area. For people with psoriasis in the genital area, it represents a major hindrance in their everyday lives. Dating, sexual intercourse, and pregnancy are just some of the things affected by psoriasis in the genital area. But here’s the good news. With its natural ingredients, Alnovat also helps in this intimate area.
Treatment success in a long-term test over 12 weeks.
The users applied a thin layer of Alnovat to their affected skin twice a day.

Whether you choose medical or natural active ingredients, you should always be aware that while removing the skin cells is very important, it can’t solve the problem alone. It is only a Solution to the scaling, not an actual psoriasis treatment.
Excessive skin scales impede the absorption of moisturizing and medical active ingredients, so you should remove the scales regularly. This applies in particular to the most common type of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis.
Regardless of whether the plaques cover a small or large area – the scabs mean that the active ingredients in psoriasis creams are poorly absorbed by the skin.
One option for removing scales is medicinal preparations. They contain either Urea or salicylic acid and require a prescription. As side effects can occur, it is recommended to tackle the scaling using home remedies or natural products.
Cosmetic products can also achieve an effect, but require more patience. There are lotions that are applied to the affected areas. They “creep” into the cracks caused by the psoriasis and separate the plaques from the skin. This makes gentle physical removal possible. In contrast, mechanical removal of the plaques, e.g. by peeling, is not recommended.
Oil and salt water baths are known home remedies and can support plaque removal.
Red garra (nibble fish) are an alternative treatment option.
However, only certified institutions should be considered because they must have very high hygiene standards to avoid complications such as infections.
Skin care for mild symptoms and symptom-free periods
Consistent skin care is important even in mild cases and during disease-free periods. It is especially important to ensure that your skin is not dried out by water and soap and that your Daily skin care achieves good skin moisturization. This is possible with pure oil preparations or emulsions. With its natural ingredients, Alnovat helps to moisturize the skin and stop it from drying out.
Moisturizing plant or mineral oils and oil baths can also help. After a full body oil bath, however, you should dry your body cautiously in order to achieve a positive effect.
Soaps with a strong degreasing effect that contain synthetic cleaning agents should be avoided.
With Alnovat and other natural products, you can treat your affected skin gently and alleviate your psoriasis symptoms.

What cleansing and care products are best for psoriasis?
There are a variety of skin care products. You should avoid cleansers and care products with fragrances or other chemical additives, as they may irritate your skin. As a general rule, you should follow the guiding principle: Less is more. In this sense, the natural ingredients of Alnovat can work better on your damaged skin.
Correctly washing and cleaning skin affected by psoriasis
Regular cleaning is required to give your skin the right care – EVEN DURING PERIODS WHEN YOU ARE FREE OF FLARE-UPS. We recommend moisturizing and soothing products. Instead of soap, you should choose care products with moisturizing properties. You can use our Alnovat psoriasis cream for mild to moderate psoriasis. It can alleviate your symptoms thanks to its purely natural components.
You should avoid fragranced products because they can irritate your skin. Washing too often is also not recommended for your skin. LESS IS MORE. The skin's acid mantle can be damaged by frequent washing, which in turn allows harmful bacteria to get into the skin.

Skin care for psoriasis in brief.
Whether your skin is healthy or affected by psoriasis, it requires your daily attention. With the right care products and tips, psoriasis sufferers can alleviate their symptoms and keep their skin healthy during symptom-free periods. Alnovat can even improve symptoms during psoriasis flare-ups, thanks to its natural ingredients. Since it does not contain any pharmacological ingredients, Alnovat psoriasis cream is suitable for long-term use.
In addition to the right skin care, a healthy lifestyle can help pave the way to an even brighter future. You can find tips for a healthy lifestyle with psoriasis in our blog. We wish you and your skin all the best.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.