Foot psoriasis - what helps?
Foot psoriasis. Every step hurts.
People with psoriasis on their feet are affected by it every day.
The first step after getting up in the morning, walking to work, and just standing, all cause pain. The soles of the feet and between the toes can be sore and bloody. Other areas affected include the skin on the back of the foot or ankle, and the toenails. Nail psoriasis spreads from the nail bed and can also provoke typical symptoms.
With the right care and a positive approach to foot psoriasis, every step you take can be less painful in future, or even pain-free.
We give sufferers tips on how to care for and treat their psoriasis, so that they can have a positive outlook for the future.
– Andrea S. 8/2021, Facebook comment
What complaints occur with foot psoriasis?
The skin on the feet is put under a lot of strain every day.
Affected areas can cause a burning or itchy sensation. It can lead to breaks in the skin and bloody sores, especially on the soles of the feet and between the toes.
The high nerve density in the feet means that the symptoms can feel even worse than in other parts of the body. Healing is made difficult due to the stresses and strains on the feet as part of everyday life, but healing is still possible.
Typical symptoms of foot psoriasis are scaling, redness, and severe itchiness. With one type of psoriasis – pustular psoriasis – small pustules can also appear on the affected skin, which are often itchy and burst open. They can occur anywhere on the body. The causes of psoriasis in general and foot psoriasis in particular are varied and only partly understood.

What are the causes of psoriasis and how is it diagnosed?
Psoriasis is an inflammatory, non-contagious condition. It primarily manifests as red, scaly skin changes that can be itchy.
The chronic condition occurs in episodes or flare-ups. Sometimes more severe, sometimes milder, and sometimes hardly any skin problems at all. Various effective treatments are available, but psoriasis cannot be cured.
Triggers of psoriasis and/or individual flare-ups can include:
stress (serious mental stress, e.g. due to the death of a loved one, losing your job, or related to work or school),
hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause),
skin injuries (cuts and scrapes, burns and sunburn),
mechanical irritation (scratches, abrasion, pressure),
Studies show that a family history of psoriasis increases the risk of developing the condition.
We cannot avoid using our feet in everyday life. What are the problems caused by foot psoriasis?
In day-to-day life, our feet are exposed to mechanical irritation due to walking and wearing shoes. Every step can trigger pain, and detract from the enjoyment of playing sport or exercise in general. Foot psoriasis can easily be concealed with socks and shoes in day-to-day life, but in the summer in particular, psoriasis and its symptoms can feel like a burden. Walking around carefree in flip-flops just isn’t an option for many psoriasis sufferers.
When it comes to sport, several hurdles have to be overcome. Swimming for too long can irritate the skin, as can sweat.
Jogging can also exacerbate the symptoms due to the additional mechanical irritation it causes. However, during severe flare-ups, sport is still possible and advisable in principle with the right skin care and short breaks from sport. In our blog post “Psoriasis and sport” you can find tips for your sporting future with psoriasis. So here’s to staying active despite foot psoriasis.

Toenail psoriasis - when it’s not just the skin of the feet that’s affected
Nail psoriasis occurs more often in people with foot psoriasis. When diagnosing toenail psoriasis, it is necessary to differentiate between a fungal nail infection and nail psoriasis. If nail psoriasis is diagnosed, there are two pieces of good news. Treatment with Alnovat cream can alleviate the symptoms, and compared to a fungal nail infection, psoriasis heals much quicker.
“...My plaques are almost gone. This really is a super cream. …”
– Maja b. 9/2021, Facebook comment

Psoriasis on the soles of the feet - every step hurts.
Our feet carry us around all day long and the high nerve density of the soles of our feet can make the symptoms particularly unbearable. As for all other affected areas of skin, there are treatment options to alleviate the symptoms. A foot bath can help to soothe the discomfort, and the use of creams, such as Alnovat, make it possible to live well with psoriasis in the long term. Our psoriasis cream Alnovat is applied in a thin layer twice a day, and thanks to its natural ingredients, it can be used long term. After a long-term test with psoriasis sufferers over a period of three months, 85% of the participants stated that they intended to continue using Alnovat. Foot psoriasis is a burden, but you can treat it.
Where else can psoriasis occur on the body?
In addition to psoriasis on their feet, many sufferers complain of psoriasis on other areas of skin. THE GOOD NEWS. Alnovat helps. Whether you have psoriasis on your elbows, hands, arms, scalp, or face, with the right skin care and psoriasis treatment, the symptoms can be alleviated and the future made even better.

Foot psoriasis. Treatment with alnovat psoriasis cream
The natural ingredients of Alnovat act locally and help the skin to regenerate naturally. Alnovat is also free of cortisone.
Alnovat is very easy to use. You apply the cream to the affected skin every morning and evening, or more often if necessary. Of course, psoriasis can also occur on the hands, face, scalp, or other parts of the body. Alnovat is also ideal for all of these.
In many cases, a low-milk and low-sugar diet has a positive impact. Psoriasis, and its causes, differs from person to person, and therefore each psoriasis sufferer must find out what works for them.
You should find a way to make applying the cream every day something you actually enjoy. Maybe by listening to your favorite music, or thinking of it as a special time for you and your body. Just try whatever you think of first or what appeals to you the most.
In any case, we recommend that you talk to a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and to choose a possible therapy.
Tips on how to deal with foot psoriasis.
Foot psoriasis, in particular psoriasis on the soles of the feet, affects everyday life. With breathable shoes and cotton socks, you can do your feet a favor, allowing them to breathe and heal better. Foot baths with natural ingredients can alleviate your symptoms and care for your skin.
During severe flare-ups, you should not play sport, or you should choose a sport that doesn’t put as much stress on your feet. In our blog post “Sport and psoriasis” you can find tips and encouragement for your sporting future with psoriasis.

The most important points again at a glance - an overview of foot psoriasis.
Psoriasis on your feet is painful and irritating. The affected skin is often dry and cracked, and may even bleed in places. Depending on the severity, foot psoriasis can be a real burden in everyday life. The affected areas can be itchy, scaly, or so painful that walking or playing sport becomes almost impossible. If you have foot psoriasis, probably the most important thing is to follow your own path by finding the right treatment that works for you and your skin.
For a particularly reliable psoriasis treatment, we can recommend Alnovat cream as an effective, well-tolerated, and natural therapy. You should apply a thin layer of the cream to your affected skin every morning and evening, and let it be absorbed for a few moments. It’s easy to find out whether Alnovat works for you and your skin.
Let’s go! All the best for your skin.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.