How can I treat my psoriasis effectively in the long term?
How can I treat my psoriasis effectively in the long term?
Psoriasis treatment depends on the severity and form of the psoriasis.
Psoriasis can be treated long term with external Alnovat applications, and there are other forms of therapy as well.
It is particularly important for patients to find a long-term therapy that suits them. Home remedies, appropriate diet and exercise can also play a role.
Here we provide you with an overview of the options for psoriasis treatment and discuss how Alnovat works.
What can you do to treat mild psoriasis?
There are essentially two strategies for the treatment of psoriasis: external (topical) treatment and internal (systemic) treatment. Usually, the physician and patient decide together which strategy to select and whether external and internal treatments can be combined. For cases of mild psoriasis, the external application of a cream or ointment on the skin is usually sufficient.
As part of this so-called local (topical) treatment, a cortisone preparation is often used, which causes the skin to become thinner over the treatment period. The skin can only recover and return to its normal thickness when the cortisone preparation is discontinued.
In addition, most people also use skin care products because the areas treated with cortisone are usually dry and cracked, and care is required to keep the skin supple.
That’s not the case with Alnovat. It can be used by itself long term because it does not contain cortisone, and its active complex comprises natural ingredients. Alnovat is also free of other adverse side effects of common pharmacological active ingredients. Yet Alnovat is still highly effective for mild to moderate psoriasis. You can find out what other users say about Alnovat here.
How is psoriasis treated with alnovat?
What is alnovat? Where can you get alnovat?
Alnovat is freely available in pharmacies. You can use it for the effective, well-tolerated, and natural treatment of psoriasis. Alnovat was conceived, researched, and manufactured in Germany, and is patented worldwide. You should apply Alnovat cream to your affected skin twice a day. It offers you a reliable alternative for the long-term skin treatment.
It is also suitable for psoriasis of the hands and scalp. You can find out more about Alnovat here.
What makes alnovat so special?
Alnovat is proven to be effective for mild to moderate psoriasis. It is well-tolerated and made from natural ingredients.
What does that mean exactly?
85% of users would continue to use Alnovat after a three-month test.
The cream consists of a natural active complex and does not contain cortisone. The skin maintains its natural thickness.
With a cortisone preparation, the skin becomes thinner during the treatment period, which is a big disadvantage of cortisone therapy.
Therefore, Alnovat cream is suitable for daily application over a long period.
It has a pleasant marzipan smell, from the bitter almonds which are an important ingredient in the Alnovat active complex.
What special features does alnovat offer for the treatment of psoriasis?
Alnovat is suitable for the local (topical) treatment of psoriasis (for example, psoriasis vulgaris and plaque psoriasis). You should apply a thin layer of cream to the affected skin twice a day. You can find out more about how it works here.
After three months of treatment with Alnovat, at least a mild improvement in the itchiness of the affected skin was reported in 81 percent of cases. Compared to an ointment, Alnovat is absorbed quickly into the skin and does not leave behind an annoying film. So you can get dressed a couple of minutes after applying the cream without it rubbing off onto your clothes.
What other therapies and medications are there? Can I get my psoriasis under control with exercise and optimized nutrition?
Can I treat my psoriasis through my diet, or by adjusting my diet?
If the link between nutrition and psoriasis interests you, the most important question to answer is as follows:
How can inflammatory processes in the body be reduced through optimized nutrition?
Foods such as white sugar, wheat, meat and milk products can promote inflammatory processes, so you should cut them out of your diet if possible, or minimize their consumption.
Foods such as vegetables, fruit, spices, good fats, nuts, herbs and spices, such as turmeric, help the body heal inflammatory processes, so you should include more of them in your diet.
Exercise - preferably a sport that you enjoy - always has an anti-inflammatory effect because it reduces stress levels and thereby minimizes inflammatory processes in the body.
Rest periods and taking breaks also lower stress levels, so they too lend themselves to your psoriasis treatment.
What therapies and options are there for long-term psoriasis treatment?
Depending on the severity of the psoriasis, there are also various types of long-term therapy. Essentially, there are three to four structurally distinct forms of therapy. The basis of any psoriasis treatment is diligent skin care. The first thing to mention is external (topical) treatments, for example with creams or ointments. This can be supplemented by a physical treatment with UV light. If additional or increased treatment is required, the next step is usually conventional internal (systemic) treatment or a biologic manufactured using biotechnology.
Long-term therapy with cortisone preparations can cause thinning of the skin as an adverse side effect. Treatment with Alnovat cream is a safe alternative for mild and moderate psoriasis. Alnovat works without cortisone, on the basis of a natural active complex, which makes it possible to use Alnovat alone for a longer period of time.
What home remedies are recommended for treating psoriasis?
Home remedies for itching due to psoriasis:
The only thing that helps is cooling, cooling, cooling. In particular, you should wear airy, loose-fitting clothes made from natural materials. You can take advantage of the cooling effect of linen and cotton, especially in the summer.
If the itching is particularly bad, you can also wrap an ice-cold stone or a cooling gel compress in a clean cloth and place it on the affected area. Remove it for a while after 5 to 15 minutes to avoid frostbite.
In the winter, you should also make sure that the room temperature is comfortable and humidify the often dry air from the heating system, using air humidifiers for example.
Baths as a home remedy for natural psoriasis skin care:
Salt and oil baths are good home remedies for psoriasis. The positive effect of salt water on the skin is also known to help with psoriasis. Only have a salt bath if you do not have too many open wounds, as the salt water will cause a burning pain.
After a salt bath, it is important to care for your skin, for example with natural oils.
What natural oils are recommended for psoriasis skin care? Skin care with natural oils for psoriasis:
Natural oils are particularly well suited to the treatment of skin affected by psoriasis because they are free of additives and perfumes.
Here are the three most important oils for psoriasis skin care:
ALMOND OIL to soothe stressed skin - it is also a main component of Alnovat cream.
EVENING PRIMROSE OIL makes the skin more supple and keeps it moist.
JOJOBA OIL can accelerate plaque healing if used regularly, according to studies. Strictly speaking, jojoba oil is a wax and therefore has different cream properties than oils - it is absorbed quicker and does not leave behind an oily film on the skin.
Home remedies for the treatment of scalp psoriasis:
Olive oil or slightly warmed coconut oil can be used to treat scalp psoriasis. You can apply the oil to the affected areas and leave it to work for approx. 20 minutes. Then rinse off the oil thoroughly with water.
You can repeat this application several times a week if needed.
Relaxation and stress reduction as a psoriasis remedy:
There is widespread agreement among doctors today that stress, anxiety, and other psychological factors may aggravate psoriasis symptoms or even trigger new flare-ups. Here are some tips for stress reduction and relaxation:
Allow yourself regular recovery and rest periods.
Find a hobby or activity that fulfills you and that you enjoy.
Use relaxation techniques such as breathing techniques, meditation, autogenic training, or Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation.
You can also start small with this. What can you do today to be more relaxed and feel better? What can you do right now? Take a break from reading? Sit differently? Start with small things now! And in the next 48 hours, think about what you can incorporate into your life to help you feel better and more relaxed.
Here is an overview of the options for psoriasis treatment - treating psoriasis, how is it done?
You should start with a local, basic skin treatment that suits you, which you can combine long term with a plan for how you can regularly find balance and relaxation. If necessary, you can supplement this with home remedies such as salt baths, oil treatments, or other stress reduction techniques (see above).
If this is not enough due to the severity of your psoriasis, you can add systemic approaches. These include systemic preparations (conventional products or biologics) and/or adjusting your diet.
Important factors to consider when choosing your personal psoriasis treatment are
firstly, the severity of your psoriasis, which can be assessed using the PASI (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index), and secondly, how open you are for medications that act on your immune system, or if you would prefer to focus on adjusting your diet and improving your gut health.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis typically involves the formation of silvery-white scales on sharply demarcated areas of skin that are inflamed and reddened. Psoriasis sufferers are most affected by typical psoriasis symptoms such as scaling, itching, pain, and cracked skin.
The causes of psoriasis are not entirely clear, but it is assumed that there is a genetic component. Moreover, physical and mental stress, diet and exercise, also affect the condition.
These are factors to take into consideration if you would like to prevent psoriasis in general or avoid a new or larger flare-up.
The therapy depends on the psoriasis diagnosis and how the condition progresses. There are mild, moderate, and severe forms.
The treatment is adapted according to the psoriasis form. There are external and internal treatment options. For mild to moderate psoriasis, treatment with Alnovat is highly recommended.
According to a three-month test on Farbenhaut.de, over 85% of Alnovat users would buy it again to treat their psoriasis. Read and find out for yourself what users say about Alnovat. If you would like to dive deeper into the expert discussion, take a look at our psoriasis lexicon. In our blog you can find interesting and up-to-date information about living with psoriasis.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.