Elbow psoriasis. Alnovat helps.
Elbow psoriasis. What can you do? What really helps?
Many psoriasis sufferers have these or similar questions. In this section, you will find out what psoriasis is, what the causes and triggers are, and what treatment options are available.
Elbow psoriasis can be particularly irritating.
There is good news for you: Psoriasis can be treated. Patience and perseverance are important factors in living well with psoriasis. And, of course, choosing the best treatment for you also plays an important role. If you have mild to moderate psoriasis on your elbows, Alnovat cream may be a suitable therapy for you. Alnovat gives you the option of regular daily treatment without cortisone, and entirely on the basis of a natural active complex. With information like this and our new products such as Alnovat we are pursuing a goal: We aim to make life easier for you.
How do you recognise elbow psoriasis? How to recognise psoriasis in general?
Psoriasis - Also called psoriasis vulgaris or plaque psoriasis - often manifests first on the elbows, knees (knee caps), forearms, or scalp. On the hands and feet; it is particularly uncomfortable. Psoriasis causes sharply demarcated areas of skin to become red - so-called plaques - and these plaques start to flake off. The silvery-white scales are particularly obvious, and the affected areas are often very itchy.
What causes elbow psoriasis? What are the causes and triggers of psoriasis?
Several factors can contribute to psoriasis. The cause is an immune system disorder.
The body’s own tissue is wrongly seen as foreign, and is attacked by immune system mechanisms.
A continuous inflammatory process leads to excessive regeneration of the skin and scaling of the affected areas.
Since the elbows are heavily stressed parts of the body, psoriasis often develops on the elbows at the start of the condition.
Possible triggers of psoriasis and/or individual flare-ups can include:
stress (serious mental stress, e.g. due to the death of a loved one, losing your job, or related to work or school),
hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause),
skin injuries (cuts and scrapes, burns and sunburn),
mechanical irritation (scratches, abrasions, pressure),
medications: (blood pressure medications (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers), cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac), interferon, malaria treatments and antirheumatic drugs, some antibiotics (such as tetracycline).
How does elbow psoriasis affect everyday life?
People with elbow psoriasis often suffer from severe scaling, as well as a burning sensation, itching, and pain at the affected areas of skin.
What types of psoriasis are there?
In addition to psoriasis vulgaris, also called plaque psoriasis, around one third of patients also have another form of the condition - psoriatic arthritis. This is a chronic inflammatory condition. This arthritis affects the musculoskeletal system and can cause permanent damage to the joints. It is helpful and advisable to get an accurate diagnosis using a questionnaire or directly from the dermatologist because the physical changes usually only occur as the condition progresses and could be confused with rheumatic diseases.
In addition, there is:
GUTTATE PSORIASIS that causes small, red droplet-shaped patches to appear on the skin. This rare condition is usually triggered by an infection.
INVERSE PSORIASIS in which the psoriatic skin changes only occur in skin folds (e.g. inside the elbow or the back of the knee).
PUSTULAR PSORIASIS in which small blisters (pustules) form on the inflamed skin. This type of psoriasis can often be found on the hands and feet.
What is special about the diagnosis and treatment of elbow psoriasis? Are there specific symptoms of hand psoriasis?
Reddened skin in sharply demarcated areas covered with silvery-white scales; these are the most important symptoms of psoriasis, including elbow psoriasis. This can lead to cracks in the skin, especially on the elbows, causing a burning or itching sensation. The doctor makes a diagnosis based on the appearance of the skin. Elbow psoriasis often occurs at the start of the condition. An advantage of this is that action can be taken early to prevent further progression of the condition. At this stage, lots of options are available for the effective treatment of elbow psoriasis.
You have psoriasis on your elbows. How do you go about treating it? What do you need to be aware of?
Essentially, there are two approaches to treating elbow psoriasis. External (local) topical treatment with creams, ointments, or gels, and internal (systemic) therapy with medications in the form of tablets or injections. You can find more information about psoriasis therapy in general on our page Psoriasis Treatment.
Ascertaining which treatment option is suitable for your elbow psoriasis depends on the severity of the condition and your personal preferences.
In most cases, the treatment starts with a local therapy because it acts on precisely the areas of skin affected by psoriasis – for example on your elbow or in the crook of your arm. Most local treatments contain cortisone, and although they initially calm the psoriasis, over time they make your skin thinner. Therefore, if you use these products, it is vital to carry out additional basic care of your skin and to take periodic breaks from the treatment.
It’s different with Alnovat. Thanks to its natural active complex, Alnovat is especially well tolerated and also free from cortisone. The cream is suitable for long-term, daily application, and it has a pleasant marzipan smell. Alnovat is a certified medical device that can be bought over the counter in pharmacies, without a prescription.
If you want to see for yourself how Alnovat works for you, buy Alnovat from your pharmacy. You can find a list of suppliers here.
Elbow psoriasis in brief
At the start of the condition, psoriasis often affects the elbows. Even in the early stages of mild to moderate psoriasis, therapy with a locally acting and well-tolerated ointment or cream, such as Alnovat, is recommended. When choosing other therapies, you should consider not only the efficacy, but also the possible side effects.
You can find good reasons to use Alnovat in the section Why Alnovat. If you would like medical information about psoriasis, or if you’re unsure about certain technical terms, you can look them up in our psoriasis lexicon.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.