Psoriasis in the genital area
What really helps?
Psoriasis in the genital area - the psoriasis taboo.
Psoriasis in the genital area occurs more often than most people realize.
The reason for this is obvious: For many sufferers, talking about it is a taboo subject.
We want to help people deal with genital psoriasis so that they are not alone with the problem.
Psoriasis in the genital area is generally inverse psoriasis. This particular form of psoriasis causes symptoms to occur primarily in skin folds and at bends in the body (for example the back of the knee).
Here you can find tips about how to handle your psoriasis and how our Alnovat psoriasis cream works. It contains natural ingredients and can be applied to the genital area without hesitation.

I’m also thrilled... The itchiness disappeared after only the first application.
Rita B. 08/2021, Facebook comment
How to recognise psoriasis in the genital area
Most people with psoriasis in the genital area suffer from inverse psoriasis (psoriasis in the skin folds). Typically affected areas include the knees or elbows, abdominal crease, breast crease, or also the genital area. A lack of scaling is characteristic and hinders diagnosis.
Redness and itchiness are the most common symptoms, and they are endured for a long time because going to the doctor is fraught with shame. In women, the groin, pubic mound, and vulva including the labia are usually affected. Men complain of psoriasis on the scrotum, and the tip and/or base of the penis. For both sexes, the area between the genitals and anus may also be affected.
To make a diagnosis, the doctor must distinguish between different conditions. A fungal infection prefers a warm and humid environment and is often the trigger of symptoms in the genital area.
To confirm a psoriasis diagnosis, the doctor may send off a tissue sample. However, this is not usually necessary. In cases of mild to moderate psoriasis, treatment with our Alnovat psoriasis cream can be started and used safely in the genital area.

Causes of psoriasis in the genital area
There are different triggers of psoriasis and/or individual flare-ups.
Hormonal changes, such as during puberty or pregnancy, can be a trigger, as can stress due to psychological pressures. Injuries to the skin, mechanical irritation in everyday life, and medication side effects are also often cited as causes.
Studies show that a family history of psoriasis increases the risk of developing the condition, and this is also taken into consideration by doctors.
ONE THING IS FOR SURE - Regardless of how your psoriasis is triggered, it should be treated. Our cream can be one building block in a successful and holistic treatment.
Treatment / therapy for genital psoriasis
Depending on the severity of the condition, a wide range of treatment options are available. For mild forms of the condition with smaller lesions, the dermatologist will initially prescribe creams and lotions. The use of ointments with a high fat content should be cautioned against because this will exacerbate the moist and warm climate that occurs due to skin rubbing against skin.
Treatment in the genital area entails a couple of special features, but there are options for treating psoriasis. Sitz baths can restore the damaged acid mantle of the skin. In the event of severe flare-ups, the treating doctor can prescribe cortisone.
This will be stopped quickly once the acute phase has resolved.
Cortisone should be avoided, if at all possible, especially in the genital area. The skin is very thin in this area and can become thinner due to the use of cortisone because this is a typical side effect.
After bathing or showering, you can safely use our Alnovat psoriasis cream. Applied in a thin layer twice a day, Alnovat is absorbed into the affected skin and develops its natural effect.

... I’m very happy, I could noticeably reduce my cortisone use ...
Daniela G. 8/2021, Facebook comment
Frequency of psoriasis in the genital area
Psoriasis in the genital area mainly affects people with inverse psoriasis (psoriasis in the skin folds). With other forms of psoriasis, however, the genital area is rarely affected. As many sufferers experience a great deal of distress due to their psoriasis, there are presumably lots of cases that go unreported.

Psoriasis in the genital area. A major psychological burden.
Depending on the severity of the condition, a wide range of treatment options are available. For mild forms of the condition with smaller lesions, the dermatologist will initially prescribe creams and lotions. The use of ointments with a high fat content should be cautioned against because this will exacerbate the moist and warm climate that occurs due to skin rubbing against skin.
Treatment in the genital area entails a couple of special features, but there are options for treating psoriasis. Sitz baths can restore the damaged acid mantle of the skin. In the event of severe flare-ups, the treating doctor can prescribe cortisone.
This will be stopped quickly once the acute phase has resolved.
Cortisone should be avoided if at all possible, especially in the genital area. The skin is very thin in this area and can become thinner due to the use of cortisone because this is a typical side effect.
After bathing or showering, you can safely use our Alnovat psoriasis cream. Applied in a thin layer twice a day, Alnovat is absorbed into the affected skin and develops its natural effect.
Psoriasis in the genital area - intimate hygiene
Whether healthy or unwell, everyone should take good care of their genital area to prevent diseases or alleviate symptoms. The two most common errors are washing too little or too much. Both of which can have a negative effect on the skin's acid mantle.
The genital area should be washed carefully once a day.
It is also recommended to change your underwear once a day. Psoriasis sufferers can decide for themselves whether they should change their underwear more often, depending on the severity of their flare-up.
Clothing should be as breathable as possible to prevent a buildup of moisture.
Care products for both men and women should be made from natural ingredients. Soaps and shower gels with added fragrance can damage the acid mantle and put additional stress on the affected skin.
Intimate shaving is possible in principle. While safe during symptom-free intervals, it could also irritate the skin during flare-ups.

Psoriasis in the genital area: tips for intimate hygiene and special features of the treatment
For intimate hygiene in the genital area, psoriasis sufferers should pay particular attention to using care products that contain natural ingredients. The skin in the genital area is sensitive, and additives such as fragrances can irritate the skin. Most care products are formulated to suit the pH value of the skin, which is 5.5. In contrast, the female genitals have a pH value of 4 to prevent germs from entering the vagina.
Therefore, care products designed for the entire body may be harmful for the vaginal environment and make it easier for germs to enter the vagina.
Women and men should try to avoid using washcloths if possible. Bacteria can accumulate on washcloths and use any damaged skin as a point of entry. Many women like to use the shower head for intimate hygiene, but this should be avoided. The strong jet of water can negatively affect the vaginal environment and make it easier for germs to enter the vagina.
Above all, during their cleaning routine, women should make sure to wash their vagina first and then the anal region to prevent germs from entering the vagina.
During menstruation, many women need to wash their genital area more often. In principle, that is not a problem. They just need to do so sensitively. Lukewarm water and gentle dabbing suffice.
Which parts of the body can be affected by psoriasis?
Psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body, and its typical symptoms can be a hindrance in everyday life. Body parts exposed to a lot of stress are often affected by psoriasis, typically including the hands, arms, and elbows.
Other affected areas that can be very distressing are visible parts of the head, i.e. facial and scalp psoriasis.
The good news - Our Alnovat psoriasis cream works on all the mentioned body parts.
Alnovat cream is an effective, well-tolerated, and natural therapy for mild to moderate psoriasis. Applying Alnovat twice a day will make your life even better.

Summary: psoriasis in the genital area
Looking at blog and forum entries, it is clear that psoriasis in the genital area is widespread among psoriasis sufferers. Shame and fear are a big hurdle for many people and this prolongs their suffering. With a self-confident attitude to your psoriasis and the right care for your genital area, you can give you a brighter future.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.