Facial psoriasis - what helps?
Facial psoriasis, a physical and psychological burden.
Facial psoriasis can be very distressing because it is always visible.
Sufferers may experience mental distress in addition to the classic psoriasis symptoms. The reason for this is the constant visibility of the skin condition.
The good news. Alnovat cream can be applied to the face with confidence.
In this section, we will take you through other treatment options.
With information and our new products such as Alnovat we are pursuing a goal: We aim to make life easier for you.
„... will tell my family doctor about my experiences. People with psoriasis should definitely try Alnovat...“
Facial psoriasis - what are the symptoms and causes of facial psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an inflammatory, non-contagious condition. It primarily manifests as red, scaly skin changes that can be itchy. On the face, the plaques are smaller and can form on difficult to reach parts of the body such as the inner ear.
The chronic condition occurs in episodes or flare-ups. Sometimes more severe, sometimes milder, and sometimes hardly any skin problems at all. Various effective treatments are available, but psoriasis cannot be cured.
Facial lesions can appear on the forehead, eyebrows, nostrils, cheeks, eyelids, and on or in the ears. In men with beards, the skin under their beards is often also affected.
Triggers of psoriasis and/or individual flare-ups can include:
stress (serious mental stress, e.g. due to the death of a loved one, losing your job, or related to work or school),
hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause),
skin injuries (cuts and scrapes, burns and sunburn),
mechanical irritation (scratches, abrasion, pressure),
Studies show that a family history of psoriasis increases the risk of developing the condition.
Do you have any questions on the topic of psoriasis? You can find the right answers in our psoriasis lexicon.

What special factors should be considered when treating facial psoriasis?
With its natural ingredients, alnovat can be safely used on the face (provided you do not apply it to mucous membranes). The psoriasis cream is your daily companion for facial skin care.
A particular feature of facial psoriasis is the distress it causes. People with facial psoriasis may feel restricted in their everyday lives because their condition is always visible, and this can lead to depression.
Do you find going to the doctor uncomfortable? Telemedicine may be the solution. Your doctor can make a diagnosis and suggest treatment options digitally.
Where else can psoriasis develop?
Many people also suffer from psoriasis on their elbows, hands, and scalp. The symptoms of hand and elbow psoriasis can often be severe because these areas of skin are under a lot of stress every day.
The good news.
Alnovat skin cream can be used on all areas of skin.
Whether the face, hands, elbows, or scalp.

Facial psoriasis: how to treat your face with our alnovat psoriasis cream
Alnovat is made from natural ingredients and can be safely used on the face.
What does that mean exactly?
The cream consists of a natural active complex and does not contain cortisone. The skin maintains its natural thickness.
Over time, cortisone can make the skin thinner.
Therefore, Alnovat can be applied to the face daily and it has a pleasant marzipan smell from the bitter almonds, which are an important component of the Alnovat active complex.
In a one-month test with over 700 psoriasis sufferers on Farbenhaut.de, 85% would continue to use Alnovat as their daily psoriasis therapy.
No matter which body part is affected. Alnovat is suitable for local therapy. You should apply a thin layer of Alnovat to the affected skin twice a day. You can find out more about how it works here.
„With our unique active complex from natural ingredients we are bringing together traditional treatments and modern pharmacy. All combined in one cream to give psoriasis sufferers a better life. “
Alnovat and home remedies for facial psoriasis.
Alnovat combines the best from nature in one cream. While traditional home remedy baths cannot provide any relief for facial psoriasis, our natural raw materials demonstrate their effectiveness.
Baths also contribute to wellbeing and help to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis on the hands, elbows, or other body parts.
Our Alnovat psoriasis skin cream has a unique formulation that gives it a pleasant consistency. While ointments often cause an unpleasant sensation on the skin, Alnovat is like a protective plaster that releases the effect of hazelnuts, nettles, and other natural ingredients.
What alnovat does for psoriasis.
We set ourselves a particularly challenging goal when we developed Alnovat – we aim to improve the lives of psoriasis suffers for the long term. With our successes in terms of efficacy, tolerability and the formulation, there are now three good reasons to choose Alnovat.
Alnovat is special. Its excellent tolerability makes long-term use possible. Moreover, no other skin care products need to be used.

Sport and nutrition to support psoriasis therapy, including for the face.
Sport and psoriasis go well together. Sport helps you and your psoriasis, and keeps you healthy. Stress plays a major role, especially in the case of facial psoriasis. Sport can relieve stress and soothe inflammation.
Our blog post “Psoriasis and sport” contains tips on choosing the right sport and the best clothes to wear.
A healthy diet can also help to alleviate your symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and can positively impact the progression of your psoriasis. Plant oils such as flax, hemp, rapeseed, and walnut oil in particular are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which is why they are preferable for your psoriasis diet.
In conclusion, it can be summarized: There is no miracle diet for psoriasis sufferers. Eating a balanced diet and watching your weight will alleviate your symptoms.
Extra tip: If your psoriasis does not tolerate your favorite sport (any more) – stop it for a while and try something new. In life it’s never too late for sporting discoveries and challenges.
Relaxation and stress reduction as a psoriasis remedy:
There is widespread agreement among doctors today that stress, anxiety, and other psychological factors may aggravate psoriasis symptoms or even trigger new flare-ups. Here are some tips for stress reduction and relaxation:
Take regular recovery and rest periods.
Find a hobby or activity that fulfills you and that you enjoy.
Use relaxation techniques such as breathing techniques, meditation, autogenic training, or jacobson progressive muscle relaxation.
You can also start small with this. What can you do today to be more relaxed and feel better? What can you do right now? Take a break from reading? Sit differently? Start with small things now!
And in the next 48 hours, think about what you can incorporate into your life to help you feel better and more relaxed.

Facial psoriasis in brief.
Facial psoriasis is painful and irritating. In addition to the physical symptoms, sufferers often suffer mental distress because their facial psoriasis is very visible.
Thanks to modern options such as telemedicine and holistic treatment concepts, the help available to psoriasis sufferers is getting better and better.
For a particularly reliable psoriasis treatment, we can recommend Alnovat cream as an effective, well-tolerated, and natural therapy. It’s easy to do. Order Alnovat in your usual pharmacy, or from an online pharmacy.
You can find a list of suppliers here.
Using alnovat - it’s that easy
Alnovat is very easy to use. Here you can find out what’s important to know when applying the cream and what it contains.